Soulful Waters Myofascial Release Social Media Posts / Vlog / Blog
Hauling in 75 bales of hay from Anderson Farms in Granite Falls, NC for our horse, Ike!
Our family’s Charlotte FC journey from 2022 to 2025!
Rachel’s Subaru Outback started leaking oil and generating a low oil check engine light 1000 miles before a regular 5000 mile oil change.
Was told it was a massive ol leak and quoted $10,000 for a new engine or $6000 to take the engine out and repair the oil leak or was recommended to trade it in and buy a new car.
I got a second opinion from James Duckworth at Duckworth Automotive. They put blue dye in to diagnose a very minute oil leak, and it was only a minor repair of leaking oil valves for $552!!!
Rachel’s Subaru now has 170,000 miles and still going strong! There has been some debate over the Subaru Outback’s boxer engine design with horizontal pistons that lie flat possibly causing more wear and tear and repair expenses over time.
However, one of the reasons for this lower center of gravity design is if you are in a head on collision the engine will dive downward under the passenger compartment.
Also, the 2017 - 2021 Subaru Outback tied with the Volvo XC 60 ranking amongst the top ten cars with the lowest fatality rates in an accident. I have always been a huge Volvo fan, but Volvos can be astronomically expensive to repair.
We bought Rachel’s Subaru five years ago with around 100,000 miles when she turned 16. After heavily researching crash test scores, car safety statistics, ect. back then, it was watching the Subaru Outback story in the link below that tipped the balance towards buying our first ever Subaru Outback:
Wishing everyone a happy new year! I spent new years day catching up on business administrative work. However, I managed to take a few breaks to film a three part video on some of the really cool and very rare, vintage 1980’s Commodore 64 and Atari 2600 games that my family gave me for Christmas! Without further ado, here is Part I:
Day 3 Part II: Our family going down the rock water slides and cliff jumping in the Rio Grande area rain forest!
Jack turned 16 on December 16th- we spent part of his birthday week in Puerto Rico- and yesterday he got his license!! Happy Birthday!!!
Day 3 Part I: Rain forest hike to and from rock water slides in the Rio Grande area with our amazing guide, Louis Gagne! (Day 3 Part II: Louis’ video clips of our family going down the rock water slides coming soon!)
Our family just ran into our fellow Mint City Collective member, Paul Stahlschmidt, while having dinner in Luquillo, Puerto Rico! What a small world! Let’s go Charlotte FC!!!
Having a blast at the Christmas Market at the Old Mecklenburg Brewery in Charlotte, NC!
The return of the magical Candy Castle and the mystical pilgrimage of the three, wise narwhals…
Happy Thanksgiving!
I spent yesterday morning unloading over sixty bales of hay from Anderson Farms in Granite Falls, NC for our horse, Ike, for the winter.
I've always wanted to climb to the top of the hay bales mountain. And so I figured it was a good time to test out my strained, left Achilles that I have been rehabbing over the last few weeks by jumping off the side of the trailer to the ground.
So far so good, and it looks like my left foot has almost fully recovered from the Achilles strain.
I also always have a myofascial release session scheduled for the days that I haul in hay. And I just finished unloading the hay in time to get myself cleaned up and start heading out of town for a myofascial release session.
If you are in acute or chronic pain or in need of a myofascial release maintenance session, then book a session today at!
I look forward to seeing you soon!
I wanted to follow up on my October 23rd email and facebook post regarding my recovery from unexpectedly plummeting into stage 3A kidney disease in July with creatinine levels reaching a record high of 1.68 and eGFR reaching a record low of 49.
The traditionally recommended medical route in July was a nephrologist referral with a first availability in October and taking Farxiga to prevent my kidney disease from getting any worse.
I did not want to wait until October for a nephrologist appointment to start the process of getting to the root cause of what was going on with my kidneys. And so after quieting myself down, my intuition and gut feeling was that I needed to go the holistic route and the traditional route as well under my primary care doctor.
And so the kidney recovery plan that I made for myself in July involved continuing with my primary care doctor and enrolling in a six month program at the Holistic Wellness Center & Freedom Primary Care in Fort Mill, SC that involved being their first ever patient to try trial stem cell therapy for my kidneys; working with one of six hundred renal dietitians in the country; and myofascial release treatment.
Around five weeks after my second stem cell infusion, my creatinine levels reach a record low normal range of 1.07 and my eGFR reached a record high 84 and only six points away from normal range stage 1 of 90 or above. Also, my kidney ultrasound came back normal and showed no damage to my kidneys.
I have always been a calculated risk taker like my father and given the minor risk of teratomas forming from trial stem cell infusions, I decided to continue forward with a third stem cell infusion in October to continue the forward momentum as my ultimate goal is to reach an eGFR of 90 or above.
I know the team at the Holistic Wellness Center & Freedom Primary Care well and have talked with them about regenerative medicine and cutting edge treatments that they are offering. During my second stem cell infusion in September, I spoke with Dr. Amy Lingenfelter DNP, APRN, FNP-BC on cutting edge holistic treatments for cancer that they were offering as well.
I wanted to share with you that Dr. Jeffrey Matz, DC, MS will be speaking on regenerative medicine at an upcoming, free webinar on 11/18 at 6pm at Holistic Wellness Center & Freedom Primary Care. The title of the webinar is: "Regenerative Medicine for Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Autoimmunity + Chronic Pain." The link to sign up for the webinar is:
If you are interested in regenerative medicine, then I highly recommend attending this webinar.
Dr. Matz is one of my heroes in life, and I'll never forget walking into his office for my first appointment in early July. And I'll digress and add that the majority of my new clients find their way to my office as a last result for acute and chronic pain after trying numerous different types of therapies with short term results at best. And therefore one of the most important things to me as a myofascial release therapist is to restore hope that you can get back to an active and pain-free lifestyle.
However, I almost burst into tears in Dr. Matz's office and had almost lost hope that I was going to be able to recover from this, as to my knowledge the kidneys cannot regenerate themselves to the same degree that the liver can. And I'll never forget asking Dr. Matz, "Is there any chance I can go from stage 3A kidney disease back to stage 1." Not even a split second went by, and Dr. Matz looked directly into my eyes and said, "Yes, you can."
I wanted to share with you the path that I have taken to recovery with regards to my kidneys. Everyone's individualistic path in life is as unique as as a snowflake, and I encourage you to always to quiet down, listen to your inner voice, and follow your intuition on your journey through life when navigating through life's challenges.
And so I'll conclude my thinktank style of posting with just a reminder as life can get really busy: if you are in acute or chronic pain or in need of a myofascial release maintenance session, then book a session today at Soulful Waters Myofascial Release.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
A tour of my office and a little bit about what I do as a myofascial release practitioner…
Melissa and I drove to Orlando for the weekend for the Charlotte FC vs Orlando City soccer game!!! We are tied 1 - 1 and the winner continues forward in the playoffs!!! Let’s go Charlotte!!! Vamos!!!
Wow!!! What an awesome win for Charlotte FC yesterday in a penalty kick shootout at the end of the game!!! Our offense and defense was extraordinarily awesome!!! I have not checked the game’s statistics yet, but our defense probably had one of the best performances in the entire MLS league last night!!!
While Melissa was driving home late last night, I went ahead and bought a block of tickets for a group of us that are traveling to Orlando, Florida’s Inter and Co Stadium next weekend, where our third playoff game will be played to determine who advances forward to the next playoff round.
I spliced together video clips from yesterday’s game of our family cheering with the Charlotte FC supporters before and after the game and of all of us cheering and celebrating at the end of the game when we won the penalty kick shootout.
Charlotte FC fans are amongst the most awesome sporting event fans in the entire world!!! Buying season tickets this year at Bank of America Stadium has been one of the best things our family has ever done!!! Just as Melissa said in the video after we won the game, “We’re going to Orlandooo!!!” Ole Ole Ole Ole!!! Ole Ole Ole Ole!!! Dalet Charlotte!!! Dalet Charlotte!!!
I spliced together video clips from another totally awesome disc golf round on October 17th with Rachel (who was home from college for fall break) and the Mock family.
This was one of the greatest weekends of my life filled with mystical chi from playing disc golf on Thursday followed by dinner at Carrburritos in Davidson, NC and then driving to Washington D.C. with my family the next day for the weekend for Charlotte FC’s last away soccer game of the season.
We are at Brewer’s in Charlotte at the Charlotte FC soccer watch party for our first away playoff game in Orlando! Let’s go Charlotte!!!
Making my first protein shake : ) …
My facebook posts are typically quirky and not serious. Life can be so very stressful and gutwrenching at times that I typically choose to show my unserious side in my facebook posts.
However, these last several months since April have been some of the most gutwrenching and difficult months of my life. Just when I thought that life couldn't get any more stressful, I soon discovered after my annual physical in July that I had suddenly plummeted into stage 3A kidney disease. My creatinine levels skyrocketed to a record 1.68 and my eGFR plummeted to 49 or stage 3A kidney disease and knocking on the door to stage 3B.
The traditional medical route was taking Farxiga to prevent my kidneys from going into further decline and a referral to a nephrologist. Once I got the nephrologist referral in July, I was told that the earliest appointment I could get was in October.
My intuition said that I needed to go both the holistic route and the traditional route as well under my primary care doctor. And so I contacted the Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas in Fort Mill, SC (another awesome holistic center is Robinhood Integrative in Winston-Salem that many family and friends have been to as well) and started their six month program and am their first kidney patient to begin three rounds of trial phase stem cell infusions for my kidneys every six weeks starting in early August.
I also and in communication with my primary care doctor decided to stop taking Farxiga after being on it two weeks in July to give everything else I was doing for my kidneys a try first. As my ultimate goal is fully functional kidneys and not needing to take Farxiga to try and slow down my progression from stage 3A to 3B kidney disease for as long as possible.
From the getgo, Melissa's intuition said that I needed to see a renal kidney dietitian as well. And I am so grateful to Melissa for finding one of six hundred renal kidney dietitian specialists in the country to work with as well from July to the present.
Lastly, my intuition said that I needed myofascial release treatment as well. I am a myofascial release therapist myself, and I will be completely honest that at times I get so busy with life that I do not get treated with myofascial release as much as I should. So I began working with a myofascial release physical therapist out of town (that I have trained with at past myofascial release seminars) that has trained in visceral manipulation as well.
After gaining awareness that my kidneys were in trouble, I had almost lost all hope in myself that I could recover from this because the kidneys do not regenerate like the liver. And so it was during this time that a legendary myofascial release therapist in the myofascial release world reached out to me to share an inspiring story of being hospitalized with his kidneys nearly completely shutting down and his courageous recovery from this and encouraged me not to lose hope and gave advice on myofascial release self treatment that I took to heart and was a critical part of my recovery process.
I have attached some before and after screenshots of my kidney lab scores in July, my kidney ultrasound, and my improved lab scores in September five weeks after my first stem cell infusion in early August, working with my holistic team/dietitian, getting treated and self treating with myofascial release, ect.
My kidney ultrasound showed no damage! And my creatinine dropped back to normal range of 1.22 and my eGFR climbed to 72, and I went from stage 3a to stage 2 kidney disease. And all of my other lab scores were normal according to traditional medical standards, but my holistic team wants my creatinine levels to be even lower than that and my eGFR to be well over 90.
In spite of the minor risks of teratomas forming, I decided to do my second stem cell infusion in September, and I do lab work this week. If my eGFR climbs higher to 85 or above, then I am not going to do the third stem cell round. As I have always been a calculated risk taker like my father, at that point it is not worth it to me to take the minor risk of teratomas forming if I am back to stage 1 or very close to it after two stem cell treatments.
I wanted to share with you the path that I took to recovery with regards to my kidneys. Everyone's individualistic path in life is as unique as as a snowflake, and I encourage you always to quiet down, listen to your inner voice, and follow your inuition on your journey through life when navigating through life's challenges.
This was my first encounter, at age 51, with my finitude and has so deepened my awareness to cherish every moment we have on this earth while in our earthly form with our family and friends (And I so deeply feel a connection and resonance with God, the mystery, and a quiet knowing that our souls go on eternally, and that our loved ones that have passed on are always with us). Also the importance of forgiveness as we don't know how long we have on this earth and to make peace with those that you may have had disagreements with or parted ways with in the past.
Three simple words, "I love you," always work in mending broken relationships. And I will share with you a personal story of how frustrated I was with my father for years after my parents divorced some sixteen or so years ago. I mended my relationship with my father long before the kidney issues many years ago and said those same words to him, "I love you", that for generations the men in my family did not know how to say to each other and just tried to tough things out in life.
Dad and mom have both been a tremendous support to me throughout the kidney ordeal, and I am so grateful. I almost burst into tears when meeting with my holistic team to discuss the risks of trail phase stem cell therapy, and dad was on speakerphone as well. I'll never forget my holistic doctor saying that I was their very first kidney patient and that there were no guarantees of results with the costs involved. There was maybe a split second of silence at most after that and my father immediately responded, "Let's go for it!"
Carpe diem! Seize the day!
Just got to Audi Field in Washington DC for Charlotte FC’s last game of the season against DC United! Let’s go Charlotte!!!
Just got to the East Falls Church Metro Station and so looking forward to our first Charlotte FC away soccer game in Washington D.C.!
Charlotte FC won their last home game of the season against CF Montreal yesterday evening. We are now in fifth place with regards to the postseason playoffs with one more away game against D.C. United on October 19th.
I spliced together about two minutes of video clips of highlights from the pregame celebration; all of us cheering after Patrick Agyemang’s game clinching goal around the 93rd minute; and the post game celebration.
We have been continuously sending prayers, love, and light to everyone in western NC in the heartbreaking aftermath of Hurricane Helen.
We have been donating supplies, and I have been back and forth taking supplies to family and friends needing assistance in the area.
Today I am heading up to Tryon to help remove tree debris. I have access to a chain saw where I am going and have used chain saws before.
However, I am old school and typically use hand saws as much as possible when hauling off tree debris.
At the Charlotte FC vs Chicago Fire FC game!
We have one more home game Saturday against CF Montreal, and then we are traveling to Washington D.C. for our last away game against D.C. United on October 19th. We are currently in seventh place, and the top 9 teams go to the playoffs. Hoping we win our last three games and can move into 4th place that would give us the opportunity to host an at home playoff game!
Let’s go Charlotte FC!!! We won 4 - 0!!!
We walked to a side street of restaurants to celebrate our win with Charlotte FC fans. The mystical Zoltar fortune teller arcade machine drew us in to the Mucha Mucha restaurant for dinner!
I also included a screen shot of a text message Melissa sent me during the game with a picture she had taken of me along with two words, “Dork man.”
My family repeatedly reminds me that I am the living embodiment of the Progressive commercial, “You May Be Turning Into Your Parents.” Carpe Diem! Seize the Day! Enjoy Life!
I am one of the first ones into the stadium for the Charlotte FC vs the New England Revolution soccer game this afternoon. Melissa and Jack wanted to walk into downtown Charlotte to get food, but I couldn't miss the free reverse Sir Minty bucket hat giveaway! Let’s go Charlotte!!!
I wanted to express my gratitude to my long time friend, Mike Haynes, for repairing our barn doors that were beginning to rot out from the bottom. As always whenever Mike stops by, we typically deviate off task to such things as pulley swapping a 1980’s Wheel Horse garden tractor to go three times faster. Today we stayed on task pretty well and got the barn doors repaired, but then got off track throwing disc golf discs towards a portable disc golf basket. And then one of Mike’s discs landed on the roof, and we somehow ended up throwing discs from the roof to the basket!
Back during my theater years from around 2009 to 2014, I took a zillion improvisation, standup comedy, sketch comedy, acting, and playwriting classes and workshops. I always enjoyed the rehearsals and being around so many geniusly creative and brilliant minds in the theater world so much more than performing in front of a live audience.
And actually as much as I loved performing during those years, I tended to be very tense, robotic, mechanical, awkward, at times stumbling over words or getting tongue-tied on stage, and too often overthinking things during those years. And I did the best playing characters in community theater that were like the person I was in real life.
Yes, I was working a minimum wage part-time job at the time with dreams of making a career out of performing. But the odds of me succeeding and making a living performing where about a million to one.
But as a former, genius improvisation teacher once said to me in a coaching note in an improvisation class something to the extent of that my funniest moments on stage were those subtle moments that happened accidentally. And in those moments a comical moment on stage was the farthest thing from my awareness or the very last thing that I would have expected to happen.
It was like a Clark Griswald moment in the 1980’s national lampoon vacation movies. I remember my improvisation teacher saying something to the extent of how awesome it would be if some how more of those accidentally, subtle comic moments came out more when I was performing on stage.
But back then I was never able to capture or harness those utterly unexpected, subtle comic moments. I was never able to consciously tap into or get in touch with that part of myself so that those true Smith Young comic moments happened so much more often on stage. Those subtle comic moments would always only occasionally happen every now and then by complete accident on stage when I least expected them to.
An example of such a moment was in the notes I got from my improvisation instructor way back then after a class showcase performance. We did a classic short form improvisation game on stage called the hitchhiker. This is a scene where three or so chairs are on stage with one in front for the driver, and two behind for the passengers to simulate driving a car and picking up a hitchhiker. This game can be done in numerous different ways, but the hitchhiker usually gets into the car with a strong character choice.
I actually got into the car with a weak character choice and pretended that I was a robot, probably because I was so mechanical in nature as a performer during those years. I remember getting notes from my improvisation instructor after the show that the primary concern was that being a robot wasn’t a strong character choice for that scene.
And then (and this was the farthest thing from my mind at the time), as I awkwardly performed as a robot, I was eventually supposed to get out of the car so that the next hitchhiker character could get into the car. However, at some point during the scene I erratically froze and slowly fell out of the car onto the stage. That was a complete accident (I guess looking back maybe it looked like my robotic battery ran out) and too this day I still don’t know why I didn’t just robotically get out of the car the same way I got into the car while performing in that scene on stage. But it resulted in one of those entirely accidental, subtle Smith Young style comic moments on stage and it worked well in the scene.
Well another subtle Smith Young comic moment happened yesterday evening and was accidentally captured on camera when I was playing disc golf with the Mock family yesterday evening at Bailey Road Park in Cornelius, NC.
I had already previously posted some of my wacky disc golf videos whereupon I was reviewing the new MeepMeep disc golf GPS trackers that helps you to locate your disc if you shank a throw into the brush or the woods.
My fifteen-year-old son would say that my past disc golf videos would get a perfect five star rating on the dorkiness meter rating system. My family so often tells me that I am a living embodiment of the Progressive TV commercial series, “You May Be Turning Into Your Parents.”
Anyway, long story short, we accidentally caught on film one of those accidental, subtle, Clark Griswaldian, Smith Young comical moments that was completely unexpected. I even accidentally had the video setting wrong on my iPhone so that the initial few seconds of the video I look distorted like a reflection you would get from a mirror in the house of mirrors at a local amusement park. And now many years later, my path in life evolved into running a successful business as a myofascial release practitioner in the healing arts. I have been now thinking about after a long hiatus since 2013 or so, taking some improvisation classes again and performing again every now and then as I have time. I am curious how I would do as a performer in the present as I am so much more laid back, relaxed (I meditate every morning to start the day) and not in my head any more and not so often overthinking things. I have completely let go and don’t worry about so many things any more and simply focus on gratitude and enjoying life. I have grown introspectively as a person with so much more introspective awareness that my initial theater journey set me on the path towards, and I continuously have extraordinary sessions with clients. For example, I have had clients that have had multiple strokes and it takes 15-20 minutes and one to two people assisting to help them get from the passenger seat of the car into my office and onto my table. And by the end of their first, ninety minute session they are walking on their own without any assistance back to their car in about thirty seconds or so. To see my clients faces light up and have hope again is why I do the work that I do. Yes, so many of my clients say that as a myofascial release therapist that I am like the howling, mad Murdock character from the 1980’s tv show series, “The A-Team,” as my style as a myofascial release therapist is so unconventional and outside of the box. And yet I continue to move mountains and get such extraordinary results in drastically reducing/eliminating acute and chronic pain and getting my clients back to an active and pain-free lifestyle. Although I’ve had thoughts of returning to theatrical classes and eventually performing again, I am at the same time quite happy and at peace running my business and working as a myofascial release therapist with all of my past theatrical experiences always radiating through in my life. For example, if I have a new client that’s had chronic pain for decades and walks into my office very cranky and negative and has found their way to my office only as a last resort for pain, I might resort to my standup comedy background to bring some comedy and lighten the atmosphere. Maybe I’ll return to performing again one day and maybe I won’t. Long story short, I am very happy and feel so much joy and peace with regards to where I am now on my mystical journey in life.
I stopped by A Better Wrench Imports in Chapel Hill this morning to get a glow plug replaced in my father’s 2005 diesel E320 CDI Mercedes with 453,281 miles and still rollin’ ! The founder of A Better Wrench Imports, Max Sr, is one of the top Mercedes specialists in the country and the Jedi Master Yoda of any year, make, and model Mercedes repair. Replacing a seized glow plug carries a great risk of damaging the engine, and he always get them loose and replaced perfectly.
While I was here, it was so awesome to take Rachel out to lunch, who is now a senior in college at UNC on the premed track. She is having an awesome year and was heading to her first day at a new part time student job at UNC hospital from 1-5pm to be a part of a case study. I am so proud of her!!!
Another cool thing about my visit to Chapel Hill was riding the North/South express bus again for the first time since I was in college here in the 1990’s!
I am very grateful to Melissa, who after running several miles earlier in the day walked twenty-one holes of disc golf with me at Bailey Road Park in Cornelius, NC while I tested out my new MeepMeep GPS disc golf disc tracking devices.
A Smith Young style review of the MeepMeep disc golf disc tracker…
At the Charlotte FC vs New York Red Bulls game. We are so excited to see Tim Ream, from the United States national team, play in his first game with Charlotte tonight!
My quest for the vintage 1980’s Commodore 64c and the Mecc Expeditions 5.25” floppy disk with the Commodore 64’s version of the iconic educational computer game, “Oregon Trail,” that so many of us played back in grade school in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
Heading out for our third round of disc golf this week with family friends. Because I am always filming our disc golf throws with my iPhone, I decided to invest in an action camera and a headband camera mount that were on sale on Amazon.
It's been too long of a hiatus since my last disc golf excursion with family and friends. We all experienced the mystical chi and calling to embark upon a mystical quest back to Bailey Road Park Disc Golf Course in Cornelius, NC for two rounds of disc golf this past week and will finish with our third round tomorrow.
Playing disc golf is always a mystically magical experience, the disc golf culture is awesome, and you never know what you will find or who you will meet on the disc golf course. The disc golf experience, in my opinion, parallels the classic 1951 Disney movie, "Alice in Wonderland," or the classic, 1967 Beatles song, "Magical Mystery Tour."
I spliced together a three minute video of some of the mystical phenomenon of our two disc golf trips this week from encountering a face in a tree, a mystical gnome's village within the tree roots, and a mystical 19th disc golf basket. Yes, in regular golf your round may end after putting on the 18th green, but in disc golf your round can at times magically continue onward toward a 19th, 20th, and 21rst disc golf basket at Bailey Road Park.
Unfortunately I did not get this on film, but about midway through our disc golf round we suddenly heard a clank, clank, clanking type of noise. We looked through the trees and brush and saw a group of disc golfers walking by, and one of them was walking on stilts. Totally awesome!
I also included clips of some of my disc golf throws with some of my most mystically magical discs in my disc golf bag.
If it's been too long of a hiatus since your last myofascial release session, if you are in acute or chronic pain, or if you are in need of a maintenance session. Then book a session at Soulful Waters Myofascial Release today (! And let Soulful Waters Myofascial Release take you on that mystical journey back to an active and pain-free lifestyle!
Having a blast in Cincinnati with the Mock family! We are fired up for the Charlotte FC soccer game tonight at TQL stadium! The highlight of the day was a chance encounter with Coach Dean Smith in downtown Cincinnati. Dean is an extraordinarily awesome person that has brought so much positive energy to Charlotte!
Melissa and I went hiking in the NC mountains this week. The denouement of the hike was suddenly hearing Melissa shriek as she was wading in the stream. I immediately turned and hustled towards her to discover that a light grey, silverish snake was crossing the stream right in front of her in the water. The snake quickly turned and bolted away in one direction, and Melissa quickly turned and bolted out of the stream in the other direction. I had a similar experience with a snake back on May 25th. I had spent the entire day working in our yard and was pulling up weeds around the shrubs alongside of our house. As I was leaning into the shrubbery, I heard a rustle in the branches and something slithery fell onto my back and bounced off of me as I instinctively bounced backwards out of the bushes. I quickly realized it was a snake, and I was able to capture a picture of the snake below as it had repositioned itself amongst the branches and was quietly gazing at me. As the number three has always been a distinctive number packed with vast meanings and interpretations across the globe and throughout history, I remember feeling in those moments that if I see this snake two more times today then there has to be a reason. And sure enough at the end of the day as I was putting our trailer hitch in storage under our house, I suddenly saw the snake again in some ivy to the right of the crawl space door. And then after we got home from the Charlotte FC soccer game late that evening, Melissa said as we stepped out of our car, "I have this feeling we are going to see that snake again today. It wouldn't surprise me if it was on our front porch." And sure enough, as we walked from the car towards our front door, the snake was on the uppermost step. Hopefully none of you have ever had an injury or sprain from being startled by a snake and quickly running away! But if you have had an injury and are in acute and chronic pain or are in need of a maintenance session, then book a myofascial release session at today! I look forward to seeing you soon!
I hope everyone is doing well! My schedule for the rest of June is almost full, and I have two appointment times left for myofascial release sessions on Friday, June 28th. I have also added additional session times for the next two Saturdays on June 22nd and 29th as well. On another note, my life has been so busy these past few weeks that I fell out of my exercise routine of lap swimming three to five days a week at the Northern Regional Recreational Center in Cornelius for the past month. I have read numerous articles and research studies about the importance of exercise for our overall physical health, mental health, and emotional well being. Thankfully, my wife picked up on this and has been continuously encouraging me to get back into exercising again. And so far I have been consistently lap swimming for the past week for 1 to 1.5 hrs a day with the exception of taking last Saturday off. My goal is to lap swim 1 to 1.5 hours a day for a minimum of five days a week going forward. The picture below is a selfie I took after lap swimming at the Northern Regional Recreational Center on the way back from a mountain day trip this past Sunday during the last hour before they closed. The challenge for me going forward is to consistently stay in my weekly exercise routine even when life gets busy. The same applies for myofascial release sessions, as there can be times when life gets so busy that it is easy to put off myofascial release maintenance sessions when you feel that your your fascia is tightening and starting to cause pains such as neck pain, arm pain, back pain, hip pain, leg pain, ect. So if your life is really busy and you are in pain, then it is important to make time for a myofascial release maintenance session sooner than later. Book a session today at: I look forward to seeing you soon!
About a week ago, we went to our first Charlotte FC away game/tailgate in Atlanta.
It is the first away game for any sport that I have ever traveled to over my lifetime. Wow! What an extraordinarily awesome experience to tailgate and march with over two thousand Charlotte FC fans to the Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta!
I grew up going to Wake Forest football and basketball games and had never been to a soccer game until a long time family friend got season tickets for Charlotte FC’s 2022 opening season and kept encouraging our family to go to a Charlotte FC soccer game.
I have to be completely honest that I did not take him seriously at first, as I just could not fathom how a soccer game could be anywhere near as exciting as a football or basketball game.
It wasn’t until well over halfway into Charlotte FC’s inaugural 2022 season that we finally went to our first soccer game. I thought the first game was okay but still could not foresee our family going to more than one or two games a year.
We may have gone to one or two more games in 2022, and then the whole Charlotte FC soccer experience started growing on us. We went to around seven or eight games in 2023, and then bought a block of season tickets with family friends in 2024. And the rest is history as my wife and son have been to every single Charlotte FC home game this season and plan on attending all seventeen home games. Our daughter uses our season tickets when she is home from college, and I will then buy an extra ticket for myself that is the closest I can get to our seats in our section.
And after our first away game in Atlanta last week, we have just booked a flight to Cincinnati to attend another Charlotte FC away game in July and are planning to fly to Canada for a Charlotte FC game next year in the 2025 season.
I spliced together the video clips that I took of our march with over two thousand Charlotte FC fans from the tailgate to the Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta. It just so happened that I had accidentally left my iPhone camera on in my pocket, and I captured the extraordinarily awesome moment of perfect timing when the Charlotte FC team buses passed all of us marching and honked their horns in support.
My wife was joking with me, as you can hear me singing and chanting with the Charlotte FC fans towards the end of the video and at times I am rhythmically off and out of sync. It is 110% clear that I am lacking of any degree of natural musical talent and will never embark on a career as a professional singer : ) .
If you have not been to a Charlotte FC soccer game, I strongly encourage you to go to a game. Charlotte FC games are magical and like the classic movie, “Field of Dreams,” or the 1980’s TV sitcom, “Cheers.” Any person you meet for the first time at a Charlotte FC game, it’s like you have known them your entire life. It is one of the most extraordinarily awesome experiences that our family has ever had.
Let’s go Charlotte!!!
With the summer's travel season approaching, many of you may be embarking on awesome vacations in the USA or abroad over the next few months.
Melissa and I were both in tears and feeling so many emotions as our daughter left for Ireland last weekend to study abroad this summer. This was her first time traveling abroad without us, and she did fantastic and is having the time of her life in Ireland. I have attached some of the pictures that she has sent from Ireland so far. Melissa really enjoys traveling abroad and has lead our family on several adventures overseas over the years. Melissa has often joked with our children that if it were just me as a parent, then their only international travel would be the countries of Epcot at Walt Disney World : ) . If you are in acute or chronic pain and/or in need of a myofascial release maintenance session, then book a session today. I have availability for myofascial sessions in June, but my June calendar is starting to fill up. I look forward to seeing you soon!
A vintage Pong video from the Griswold family…
What I do when I am not treating clients with myofascial release…
Having at blast at Charlotte FC vs Toronto FC soccer game! Tonight is the “Minty Cape Giveaway!” Let’s go Charlotte!!!
Our family had an awesome experience at the Charlotte FC vs FC Cincinnati soccer game over the weekend.
Charlotte FC has the most extraordinary and awe-inspiring fans. And I have spliced together some video clips from the weekend of Charlotte FC fans and us cheering before and during the game. After attending individual games for a few years, we finally purchased season tickets last month. If you have not yet attended a Charlotte FC game yet, I can honestly say that it is one of the best sporting event experiences in the world.
As this is the time of year for Peeps marshmallow candies, we noticed some Peeps mysteriously disappearing from their packaging boxes and reappearing in different parts of our house.
I just caught the two Peeps thieves on camera. Mystery solved. As I know many of you may be on vacation for spring break, I am open this week for myofascial release sessions. If you are in town and in acute or chronic pain or in need of a maintenance session, then book a myofascial release session today at I look forward to seeing you soon!
We have been going to Charlotte FC soccer games for a couple of years with the Mock family. Charlotte FC soccer games are so extraordinarily awesome, that we just recently went in with the Mocks to buy a block of 2024 season tickets!!! We play FC Cincinnati tonight. Go Charlotte FC!!!
Another awesome Charlotte FC soccer game this weekend against Columbus Crew! Jack went from competing in an academy horse show in Raleigh, NC straight to the Charlotte FC game! Melissa had to work on Sunday and took the evening to rest and will be with us for the Cincinnati game this weekend. I am also fired up for the ACC that has done awesome in the NCAA Tournament! I am continuing to cheer for all of the ACC teams that made it to the sweet 16 as Clemson, UNC, Duke, and NC State play tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday for a chance to move on to the elite 8!
We are so excited to attend our second Charlotte FC soccer game this weekend! I included a video clip of all of us cheering after Charlotte FC scored their first goal last month and won their first season opening game since the club was established in 2019.
I have just finished my ESPN tournament challenge NCAA tournament brackets. Our family is in a group with family friends.
Given that my alma mater is UNC Chapel Hill, and our daughter is currently attending UNC on the pre-med track; I picked Carolina to win the national championship.
But I have to be completely honest that during NC State’s historic run for the ACC championship, I was pulling for the Wolfpack in the championship game against Carolina.
UNC was already in the NCAA tournament as a number one seed whether they won that game or not, whereas winning the ACC championship was NC State’s only ticket to the Big Dance. In my opinion, NC State 110% deserved the ACC championship title this year and earned their spot in the NCAA tournament.
As I filled out my NCAA tournament bracket, I reflected back on so many of my childhood friends and mentors growing up in Lexington, NC whose families pulled for NC State.
I then watched the following YouTube video on the “Cardiac Pack’s” 1983 extraordinary season with their legendary coach, Jimmy Valvano, to win the national championship:
I then finished my NCAA tournament bracket with the NC State Wolfpack advancing to the national championship finals to play against the Carolina Tarheels.
I am honestly okay with either team winning the national championship and pulling for all of the ACC teams in the tournament this year!
I wanted to follow up on my recent post thanking the extraordinarily talented Yson Buonya of SML Retro Gaming in Lexington, NC for repairing my 1982 Colecovision video game console.
I have just reconnected the Colecovision to my office waiting room TV, tested out a few game cartridges, and it is now working perfectly!
In addition to the Colecovision, I have a 1980’s Nintendo and Atari 7800 and a 1990’s Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and Sega Dreamcast in my office waiting room as well!
All with family friendly games that are easily accessible with a coaxial and AV switch box to shift between gaming consoles. Plan on arriving a few minutes early for your next myofascial release session to check out some of these vintage gaming systems in my office waiting room.
I have recently been on a mystical quest to seek out and acquire the very rare and vintage, 1982 Vectrex video game console. To this day it remains the only vector display-based video game system that was ever released for the home market.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the extraordinarily talented Yson Buonya of SML Retro Gaming in Lexington, NC for repairing the RF unit on my 1982 Colecovision video game console in my office waiting room.
One of the legs of the RF output connector had detached from its circuit board, was loose, and thus rendered wavy, distorted, graphics when connecting one end of an RF cable to the Colecovision and the other end (with an attached coaxial adapter) to my office waiting room TV.
Although I am self taught in the ancient art of soldering/ desoldering and have replaced failed capacitors to restore functionality to TV's, computers, video game consoles, ect, I am only a padawan when it comes to much more complicated soldering/desoldering repairs. Yson is a Jedi Master in soldering/desoldering, and my Colecovision RF output connector repair was much more difficult to get to with several soldering points to get through to get to the small circuit board that the RF output connector was connected to in order to solder the other leg back down to the board.
Yson has a huge selection of video game consoles, accessories, and video games from the past to the present, and I purchased a few more really cool game cartridges for the Atari 2600 and Super Nintendo consoles that are also in my office waiting room.
Yson also mentioned that he is having a Nintendo Switch Mario Kart 8 tournament this Saturday, February 24th starting at 3:00pm at SML Retro Gaming on 17 W 2nd Ave in Lexington, NC. This event has no entry cost, is free for everyone to attend, and the flyer is attached below.
I am definitely planning on making the journey from Mooresville to Lexington for this awesome weekend tournament!
2/11/2024 - Sketch Comedy Video
On January 28th, I posted a video in which I replaced the 1982 Darth Vader Edition Atari 2600 console in my office waiting room with the newer, third generation, 1986 Atari 7800 console. Here is the sequel to that video, “The Darth Vader Edition Atari 2600 Console Strikes Back…”
Why it is so important to start each day with a centering and grounding exercise… For those days when unexpected life events happen…like a washing machine leak flooding your laundry room shortly before your next client… Fortunately, I remained calm and coolheaded due to a daily practice of diaphragmatic breathing exercises : ) . I stopped the leak quickly, got everything dried out, and made it next door to the detached office building beside of our home in time for my next client.
Melissa and I took a night out for dinner at Aria in downtown Charlotte and then walked over to Belk Theater to see the Charlotte Symphony's presentation of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3. Wow! What an awesome concert! The conductor, Carolyn Kuan; the pianist, Drew Petersen; and the entire symphony orchestra were extraordinarily amazing!
The beautiful, enchanting, and mesmerizing sound of all of the orchestral instruments draws you in for quite an emotional experience that so deeply touches the heart and soul. And after an incredible crescendo of an ending and a long standing ovation from all of us in the audience, Drew Petersen returned for an encore with a beautifully contrasting quieter piece from Chopin that I am fairly certain was Chopin Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op. 52.
I was only able to find a youtube link to Drew Petersen playing Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No 2 as an example of his extraordinary talent: And also playing Chopin's Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op. 52: In addition, I have included a link to the brochure from yesterday evening's performance: Be sure to mark your calendars, as the Charlotte Symphony will be playing in another concert, "Music + Healing" on Sunday, April 3rd at 3pm at the Sarah Belk Gambrell Center for the Arts & Civic Engagement at Queens University in Charlotte. They will also be back at the Belk Theater in Charlotte playing "Tchaikovsky & Brahms" on April 5th and 6th at 7:30pm. With regards to music and healing, as many of you know that I always play the extraordinarily talented Nashville, TN myofascial release therapists', Garth and Sandy Whitcombe's, music during myofascial release sessions. I had the great honor to assist as an instructor with Garth and Sandy Whitcombe at the Myofascial Release I seminar in Knoxville, TN at the end of August 2021. Garth and Sandy create their extraordinary music specifically for myofascial release therapy sessions, and I have purchased all of their music CDs at: Garth and I had a fascinating discussion about sound at the myofascial release seminar in Knoxville, TN. Garth can explain this so much better than I can, but he mentioned to me the importance of the CD format for their music. If I understand this correctly, you get all of the sound waves of their music in CD format, whereas the music gets compressed in MP3 format to make the file smaller and some of the audio is lost in that process. Garth and Sandy have recently written a fascinating article, "Benefits of Brown Noise" : This article references research that has been conducted on broadband noise with results suggesting that it has positive effects with ADHD. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you all at your next myofascial release session. Just like a symphony orchestra, myofascial release brings harmony, balance, and resonance to the mind and body.
Taking a night out for dinner at Aria in downtown Charlotte and then heading to Belk Theater to see Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3. The Duke/Carolina basketball game will be going on at the same time as the concert. Ahhh…ummm…I’ll be okay…I’ll be okay…I can miss the game…I can keep my phone off during the concert…I’ve got this…
1/28/2024 - Sketch Comedy Video
Yesterday I created this video to talk about my myofascial release practice while also addressing the challenging task of replacing the 1982 Darth Vader Edition Atari 2600 with the newer 1986 Atari 7800 in my office waiting room….
1/8/2024 - Part I
I have finally finished the reverse osmosis filter video that I have been working on since around November 2023. After many hours of reading about reverse osmosis filtration systems, this video includes my first ever installation and testing of an Apec RO-CTOP-PHC countertop reverse osmosis filtration system along with talking about myofascial release and as always going on some random tangents along the way : ) .
I am posting the forty minute long, part one of the video below and will post part two in the next few hours.
I am well aware that the average attention span on the internet is seven seconds. I was definitely born in the wrong century, as my at times lengthy social media posts can be like reading a very long Charles Dickens novel.
A friend of mine has jokingly said that I need to offer a test quiz on the video and a free myofascial release session to those that make it through watching the entire video and pass the quiz : ) .
Anyway, I have always walked to the beat of a different drum over my lifetime.
I look forward to seeing you all at your next myofascial release session!
1/8/2024 - Part II
The concluding twenty-nine minute, Part II of the reverse osmosis filter video that I posted yesterday and been working on since November 2023.
Part I and II of the video include my first ever installation and testing of an Apec RO-CTOP-PHC countertop reverse osmosis filtration system along with talking about myofascial release and as always going on some random tangents along the way : ) .
In case you have ever wondered about the personalities of our two horses, Ike and Gus Gus. Does your pain have you feeling grumpy? Or are you feeling okay and in need of a myofascial release session for preventative maintenance or overall mind-body well-being? Then book a myofascial release session today at!
I wanted to wish everyone a happy holidays and a happy new year! I captured this image of our cat Poppy (aka Pop Tart) amidst a pile of wrapping paper as our family was opening presents. Poppy's face says it all, joy and exhaustion at the same time from the holidays.
If you need you to recharge, book a myofascial release session today. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Heading back from Granite Falls to Mooresville with about 63 bales of hay for our horses! It’s going to be a long night unloading all of this at the barn, but I always welcome and enjoy the exercise!
Our family just recently joined the extraordinarily awesome Northern Regional Recreational Center in Cornelius, NC that just recently opened in 2022!
I am starting my New Year’s resolution early and just finished my first hour of lap swimming in several years. Although I get most of my exercise outdoors working outside our home, horse pasture, and barn doing strenuous things like unloading 64 bales of hay for our horses, I definitely need to start regularly lap swimming again.
Swimming is one of the best low-impact exercises that I can do, and I always feel great afterwards. I could tell that I was out of shape tonight and had to stop a few times briefly but was able to keep going for the entire hour. The next thing I need to buy are the swim paddles and swim fins to go along with the kick board and leg floats provided at the pool to start some swim conditioning drills again.
It is a fantastic membership price of $65 a month for a family or $85 a month if you live outside of Mecklenburg County. We live about 15 miles away in Iredell County, but it is so worth the drive. Membership gives you access to all 17 recreational facilities in the Charlotte area and they have zillions of awesome activities going on like pickleball.
I took my first ever pickleball class earlier this week at the Elon Recreation Center in Charlotte. That was another awesome experience that I will post about in another post this week!
Awesome afternoon decorating our Christmas tree! We are now in Charlotte at The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery at the Christmas Market for dinner.
I have always walked to the beat of a different drum and taken an outside of the box approach to life's challenges. As a myofascial release practitioner, I utilize a highly effective and outside of the box approach in finding and releasing those fascial restrictions that have caused pain for days, weeks, months, years, and even decades.
I filmed this video after a busy day at work yesterday to take an outside of the box approach to find a more cost effective way to replace our refrigerator's water filter.
So if you are in acute or chronic pain, book a myofascial release session today at!
If it feels like your acute or chronic pain is lurking in the background and/or you want to take a preventative approach to health care, then book a myofascial release session today. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Melissa and I have been away over the past several days supporting our son, Jack, at the annual National Academy Championship Horse Show in Murfreesboro, Tennessee! We are back home now, and I am back in the office and available for myofascial release sessions. Jack had an extraordinarily amazing run at nationals this year! He placed 1rst and 6th in both of his showmanship and equitation classes on Thursday and was amongst the top eight in each show class to qualify to advance to the semifinal round on Saturday. On Saturday, he placed 3rd and 4th in both of his show classes to be amongst the top six in each class to qualify to advance to the national championship finals on Sunday. On Sunday, Jack finished fourth overall in his equitation class and won the national grand championship in his showmanship class! We are so proud of Jack! I hope you all are doing well, and I look forward to seeing you all again at your next myofascial release session!
Our son qualified at the National Academy Championship Horse Show in Murfreesboro, TN to advance to the semifinal round tomorrow! He also won first place in one of his show classes for the first time ever at nationals! We are so proud of him and everyone competing at our barn!
Yes!!! Charlotte FC won 1 - 0 against Miami! The entire team played great tonight! Kerwin Vargus scored an awesome goal! And our goalkeeper, Kristijan Kahlina, had an incredible diving save at the end of the game that allowed us to hang on to our 1 - 0 lead! The other MLS teams that were tied with us lost, and we were almost in the 8th playoff spot that would have meant our first playoff game would have been in Charlotte. However, the New York Red Bulls won against Nashville tonight with a penalty kick in overtime. So that had us tied in points, but the New York Red Bulls goal differential was -3 and Charlotte’s was -7. So that put New York in 8th place and Charlotte in 9th place clinching the last playoff spot. Charlotte will play its first playoff game next Wednesday against New York at the Red Bull Arena in Harrison, New Jersey. Go Charlotte FC!!!
We are fired up and ready for the last Charlotte FC vs Inter Miami CF soccer game of the season! Because we tied our game against Miami in Miami earlier in the week, we need a win tonight to have a chance for the 9th and last playoff spot. If we win and other teams tied with us lose tonight, then we will make the playoffs. We sold the tickets that we got for this game last February a few weeks ago, before the recent announcement was made that Messi would be playing in the game tonight. Jack and I lucked out and got two lower level, Section 130 Row 2 seats for $150 per ticket right when they went up for sale earlier in the week. Nothing is selling anywhere near that low of a price that close to the field! I insisted that Jack and Melissa take those two lower level seats, and I got the last, lowest priced $50 ticket in the upper level directly behind them in Section 540 Row 32. Now there are only 3 tickets left for sale near where I am sitting for $100, $295, and $500. It’s going to be a big crowd tonight, and we are here for the gate opening at 4:30pm to get the free t-shirts given away for fan appreciation night. The game starts later tonight at 6pm. Go Charlotte FC!!!
I hope you all are doing well! Here is Part II, the 15 minute concluding sequel of the washing machine saga. I posted Part I of the washing machine saga a week ago on October 15th, which was a 38 minute video of myself talking about myofascial release and going on some random tangents about life while troubleshooting and fixing our 1.5 year old washing machine that recently broke and would not power on. Part II starts with me standing on my utility trailer after purchasing on Facebook marketplace and hauling in a decades old, rock solid Roper washing machine to have as a backup in our garage in case our new washing machine ever breaks down again. Part II also involves myself talking about myofascial release and going on some random tangents about life while installing and testing our second, old school, built like a tank Roper washing machine. A really good friend of mine, that has known me for a long time and understands how I roll, jokingly mentioned that I ought to offer a free myofascial release session to anyone that watches all 53 minutes of both washing machine videos and give a quiz on the video that they will need to pass in order to get the free session : ) .
Having a blast watching the Charlotte FC vs Inter Miami CF soccer game on the Jumbotron at Bank of America Stadium! The playoffs are on the line and we have to win tonight!
Following my last post a few minutes ago, here is a video that my daughter, Rachel, gave me the okay to share of her cantering on Ike today! You can also see our feral barn cat, Scraggy (Aka Scraggs, named after Scooby, Shaggy, and Scrappy-Doo), walking along the top of the fence as Rachel and Ike are cantering.
I hope you all are doing well! I am so excited to have my daughter, Rachel, home this week for college fall break at UNC Chapel Hill. We put a saddle on our retired show horse, Ike (Callaway's Ike the Sixth) today, and Rachel and Ike walked, trotted, and cantered around our pasture. Ike loves carrots and always feel free to bring carrots to give to Ike and our other horse, Gus Gus, at your next myofascial release session. We are all heading to the Bank of America stadium tonight to see the Charlotte FC soccer team play Inter Miami CF in Miami tonight on the jumbotron screen. Tickets are free at the Charlotte FC website and you can get up to four free tickets per person. The doors open at 7pm and the game starts at 8pm this evening. If Charlotte wins tonight in Miami and then wins again against Miami in Charlotte on Saturday, then we will automatically make the playoffs that start towards the end of October. If my understanding is correct, if we lose tonight then we are out of the playoffs. And if we tie the game tonight, then we have to win on Saturday and other teams have to lose for us to make the playoffs. I look forward to seeing you all at your next myofascial release session! Book a session today at!
I hope you all are doing well! Here is a 38 minute video of myself talking about myofascial release and going on some random tangents about life while troubleshooting and fixing our 1.5 year old washing machine that recently broke and would not power on. With regards to new appliances, there is definitely some truth in the old saying that they don't make them like they used to. I was reading that the average attention span on the internet is around 8 seconds, and so I don't know how many are going to watch a 38 minute video. However, the average monthly installment of a Charles Dickens novel back in the 1800's was around 18,500 words. While I am no Charles Dickens, I do think I was born in the wrong century with regards to the length of some of my facebook posts. However, as Albert Einstein once said, "The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself [or herself] in places no one has ever seen." So if you are in acute or chronic pain and/or want to take a preventative approach to health care. If you feel like your pain has had you in a spin cycle like the spin cycle of a washing machine. Let's slow that spin cycle down, get you out of that spin cycle, and get you back to an active and pain-free lifestyle. Or imagine your pain to be like a broken washing machine that has been there for so long that you have finally given up hope and feel like you are going to have this pain for the rest of your life. So what are you waiting for? Don't lose hope. Your life is not going to be like a broken washing machine of pain for the rest of your life. Let's get this washing machine started again. Let's get you feeling better again. And let's get you back to an active and pain-free lifestyle. Book a myofascial release session today at! I look forward to seeing you soon!
Get back to an active and pain-free lifestyle with myofascial release! Book a myofascial release session today at!
I hope you all are doing well! My daughter recently texted me this hilarious picture that my wife took of our cat, Poppy (aka Pop Tart), and the following words that describe it perfectly: “mom sent me this of pop tart lurking” So if it feels like your acute or chronic pain is lurking in the background and/or you want to take a preventative approach to health care, then book a myofascial release session today. I look forward to seeing you soon!
I wanted to extend a big thank you to my dear and extraordinarily talented friend, Joe Collins, for helping us take down a dead tree that was at risk of falling on our horse pasture fence. I spliced together two video clips of Joe cutting the tree branches and then filmed him cutting the tree down with a tripod. I have been very busy the past two weeks cutting up the wood with a chain saw and hauling it off with my trailer.
I am in Granite Falls, NC and just picked up three cubes or sixty-three bales of hay at Anderson Farms for our horses. I normally get two cubes, but this time I got three with two cubes loaded sideways and one on top. I typically start stocking up on hay in the fall until I have about 180 bales under the roof behind our barn to get our two horses through winter and early spring. It’s a pretty high load of hay, but I’ve got them strapped down securely with ultra sturdy, ratcheting straps, that I picked up from a military surplus store many years ago. I used to be an eBay power seller many years ago, attended many business liquidation auctions and surplus sales, and quickly learned the art of securely strapping down cargo. It’s going to be a late night unloading all of this hay, but it’s all good and I enjoy the exercise. This diesel Mercedes GL that I traded my Nissan Titan for a while back is very powerful and has a lot of torque. I do not feel like there is any weight at all behind me when towing. However, I have definitely felt the weight of this Mercedes GL’s mechanical service bills which are much higher than servicing the Nissan Titan!
My son, Jack, and I are back for the Charlotte FC vs Philadelphia Union soccer game tonight! We tied our last game against D.C. United. If we win tonight and D.C. United loses against Atlanta, then we should move into a tie for 9th place and the last spot to qualify for the playoffs at the end of October!
9/19/2023 - Sketch Comedy Video
Let Soulful Waters Myofascial Release be your Tardis for time travel from the acute and chronic pain of your past back to an active and pain free lifestyle in your future. Book a Myofascial Release session today!
I just happened to be filming before tonight’s Charlotte FC soccer game while my wife, Melissa, was dancing and caught Melissa on the jumbo screen!!!
Having a blast at the Charlotte FC vs D.C. United Game! This is a big game and if we win, we should move into a tie for 9th place with the top 9 teams going to the playoffs at the end of the season!
It has been so awesome to have our daughter, Rachel, home from college at UNC Chapel Hill for a few days! We are all out for a fantastic dinner tonight at Masala Mastee in Davidson, NC.
I hope you all are doing well! So I have received several requests to add a Super Nintendo to my collection of vintage 1970/1980's gaming systems in my office waiting room. Nintendo released the original Super Famicom (Family Computer) in Japan in 1990 and remade the Super Famicom as the Super Nintendo for release in North America in 1991. The Super Nintendo, or Super NES or SNES, is close enough in age to my theme of 1970/1980's vintage gaming systems, and so I have just recently purchased a SNES and some SNES game cartridges for my office waiting room. I also just recently ran into a great deal on a 1986 Atari 7800 ProSystem, also called the Atari 7800, to replace my Atari 2600 that is currently in my office waiting room. The Atari 7800 was initially released in 1984 with thirteen games and then production was halted shortly thereafter until 1986. The Atari 7800 followed the release of the original 1970's Atari Video Computer System or Atari VCS, which later came to be known as the Atari 2600, and the Atari 5200 SuperSystem, or Atari 5200. The Atari 7800 is backwards compatible with the Atari 2600 and will play just about every Atari 2600 game along with introducing new games with better graphics. However, the Atari 7800 used the same Television Interface Adaptor chip, or TIA, technology as the Atari 2600, and therefore has much more limited improvements in sound quality. The Atari 7800 is comparable to the Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES. However, Nintendo's Family Computer, known as the Famicom, got to the market faster in 1983 in Japan and was revamped to become the Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES, and released in North America in 1985. The NES would soon overtake the Atari 7800 in market share just as the VHS overtook the Betamax video cassette recorder in the 1970's and 1980's. Only fifty-nine games were released for the Atari 7800 compared to seven hundred and sixteen games released for the NES. Atari 7800 games are more difficult to find and expensive to purchase, but I have so far been able to find a few of the highest rated 7800 games at great prices like Pole Position II, Choplifter, One on One Basketball, Dig Dug, Asteroids, Hat Trick, Mario Bros., Joust, and Dark Chambers (Which inspired the later 1980's arcade game, Gauntlet, which you can play on the NES). Another vintage, 1980's video game system that I have been very interested in purchasing for my office waiting room is the very rare and difficult to find Vectrex that was released in North America in 1982. The Vectrex was the only vector display-based home video game system ever released. It did not have to be connected to a television, and it came combined with a black and white, cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitor. The game cartridges came with a semitransparent, color overlay to place over the monitor. You could even buy 3D glasses and a light pen to sketch onto the monitor display. However, the Vectrex would not withstand the great video game market crash of 1983 and was discontinued towards the beginning of 1984. With that being said, it would be around one thousand dollars for me to purchase a combined lot of a Vectrex video game system, two controllers, and a few Vectrex game cartridges on ebay. And my wife has kindly informed me that I have enough vintage video game systems and video games in my office waiting room : ) . Anyway, long story short, if you are a vintage gaming enthusiast like myself, please plan on arriving a few minutes early before your next myofascial release session to check out some of the latest additions to my vintage video game collection! You can book a myofascial release session at: I look forward to seeing you all at your next myofascial release session!
After a big win against the LA FC on Saturday, Franklin Mock and I are back in the pouring rain cheering on Charlotte FC against Orlando City SC. Both of our families decided to take a rain check on this one : ) .
I quickly made this Myofascial Release video about fifteen minutes before my son and I left early yesterday morning to play disc golf at Bailey Park in Cornelius, NC with family friends. In this video I talk about how, as a Myofascial Release therapist, I self treat fascial restrictions that I feel within my body with a 4”, inflatable All-Ball before playing a round of eighteen holes of disc golf. Because I made this video very quickly with my iPhone and a tripod, the camera angle was not always the best in the video. I also spliced into the video some of my disc throws from yesterday’s disc golf round, which were so much easier for me after self treating with Myofascial Release beforehand.
Melissa and I celebrated our anniversary over the weekend in Maggie Valley, NC. We started the weekend with an incredible breakfast at Joey's Pancake House! Peaches are in season, and Joey's Pancake House has some of the best peaches and peach pancakes that we have ever had for breakfast. Following breakfast, we hiked the Caldwell Fork Trail at Cataloochee in Great Smokey Mountains National Park. It is one of the most beautiful hiking trails that we have ever hiked, the entrance to the trail is just to the left of the Cataloochee campground, and there are several awesome water crossings. Early morning/early evening you will often see elk in the fields near the Cataloochee campground, and there are plenty of other historic buildings nearby to tour as well. We also learned this year that there are synchronous firefly viewings around sunset at Cataloochee around Late-April, Early-May, Mid-May, and June. On the drive back to Maggie Valley after hiking, we passed the Maggie Valley Rock Shop & Gem Mine with a mystical statue of a wizard in front. I could not resist stopping the car to get a picture taken with the wizard! Anyway, don't let your pain stop you from getting out there and living an active and pain-free lifestyle. If you are in pain or seeking to take a preventative approach to health care or had been planning to book another session but life has gotten too busy, then book a myofascial release session today! I look forward to seeing you soon!
7/13/2023 - Sketch Comedy Video
Evolution of my office waiting room…
As a retro gaming enthusiast, my office waiting room has evolved to include a 1982 Colecovision, a 1982 Atari 2600 Darth Vader Model, and a 1993 NES-101 top loader redesign of the original 1980's Nintendo Entertainment System. Also, I have been building a collection of Colecovision, Atari, and Nintendo games as well. If you are interested in playing vintage video games like Ms. Pac-Man, Frogger, Q-bert, Pitfall, Pong, Breakout, ect., then be sure to stop by a few minutes early for your next myofascial release session! Or if there are any old school video games that you would like for me to add to my office waiting room collection, please let me know, and I will try and find them. I look forward to seeing you all at your next myofascial release session! Book now at!
Having an awesome time at the CONCACAF Gold Cup tournament in Charlotte, NC with family and friends! It’s going to be an awesome night of soccer! The first game is USA vs Trinidad & Tobago and started at 7pm. The next game is Honduras vs Haiti and will start around 9pm. We are so excited to see two awesome soccer games!
Feeling Crabby? Summer is busy. Make sure that you are making yourself a priority. Book a session with Soulful Waters Myofascial Release!
So I am at Litchfield Beach, SC with my wife, Melissa’s, side of the family celebrating my 50th birthday today! I will celebrate again with my side of the family over the first week of July. Melissa asked me months ago what I wanted to do to celebrate my 50th birthday, and I responded immediately and without any hesitation, “Go to Walt Disney World!” She then asked where I would like to have a birthday dinner at Disney’s Epcot, and I replied, “It doesn’t matter as long as it’s with the Disney characters!” Melissa jokingly replied, “Seriously? A Disney character meal? Everyone in our family has grown up.” And I replied, “But I have not!” I just can’t wait and am counting down the days to my 50th birthday family trip to Walt Disney World later on this summer. Melissa has just informed me that she has made reservations for a Disney character meal birthday dinner, but it’s a surprise as to where it will be! I look forward to seeing you all at future Myofascial Release sessions as I start the next decade of my fifties!
I am heading out thIs morning to Cataloochee campground in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park to camp this weekend with friends. It’s one of the most beautiful campgrounds that I have ever camped at. Early morning/early evening, you can see the elk in the fields and all kinds of wildlife. It’s a several mile drive down a windy dirt and gravel road into the beautiful valley. We will be making a long hike in to Messer’s wall today and to the archaeological remains of what was once Will Messer’s home sometime around the late 19th/early 20th century. There is very little cell reception there, but I will try and post some pictures of the hike.
6/5/2023 - Sketch Comedy Video
One of the great things about working as a Myofascial Release practitioner from a home office is that I can take a disc golf break in between clients.
Go Charlotte FC!!! What an awesome soccer game tonight!!! After being down 0-1, Brandon Cambridge subbed in and scored the first two goals of his MLS career to rally Charlotte FC to a 2 - 1 win!!! Thank you again for the invite from my long time friend, Franklin Mock. Our families’ schedules were too busy for everyone to attend the game tonight, but we will all definitely be tailgating again soon for another soccer game. I have an incredibly busy day tomorrow with my Myofascial Release practice, and it was so awesome to get away for the soccer game tonight!
I hope you all are doing well! I wanted to follow up on my 1/22/2023 post about our feral barn cat, Prince, that I had found seriously injured, underwent surgery, and I had been rehabilitating in our home and treating with myofascial release. Prince has fully recovered, is doing fantastic, and our family has decided to keep him inside as our fourth indoor rescue animal. Prince gets along great with our two dogs, River and Maple, and has become best friends with our cat, Poppy.
A funny story is that we have recently discovered that Poppy loves to play with PEEPS marshmallow candies, as we began to find PEEPS mysteriously disappearing from their original packaging and reappearing in various places all over our house. We finally caught Poppy taking a PEEP marshmallow candy out of the packaging, and a few weeks later my daughter took a picture of Prince with a PEEP! We now believe that Poppy has taught Prince the art of sneaking PEEPS out of their packaging!
I look forward to seeing you all at your next myofascial release session!
Along with reading academic books from different fields of study in my spare time, I also enjoy tinkering with retro gaming consoles. Yesterday, I had a two hour break between Myofascial Release sessions, and so I decided to see if I could inexpensively improve the picture quality of my 1982 Colecovison gaming system on an older, digital TV by first connecting its RF cable to a coaxial cable adaptor and then using an inexpensive, thrift store purchased VCR to convert it to a composite video signal to plug back into the composite video port on the TV.
I hope you all are doing well! I am now back in Mooresville after an awesome family vacation touring the island of Madeira, Portugal! The pictures below are of our family overlooking the city of Funchal, at a waterfall on the Levada Das 25 Fontes hike in Rabacal, in front of our VRBO rental house, and at the Monte Palace Tropical Garden.
I look forward to seeing you all at your next myofascial release session! Book your next session today at!
Greetings from Soulful Waters Myofascial Release! Hope you all are having a happy new year. I have some sad news that I recently found our feral barn cat, Prince, very seriously injured. After surgery, Prince is going to be okay, and we have turned our master bathroom into a recovery room. I have been in and out through all hours of the night over the past week checking on and caring for Prince, following our veterinarian's post surgery instructions, and treating him regularly with very gentle myofascial release throughout his recovery process. Myofascial release is so very important. I look forward to seeing you all in the new year!
How confident am I as a myofascial release therapist that I can help you with your aches and pains?
Talking about myofascial release while testing the pair of vintage, 1980's Atari 2600 paddle controllers that I recently cleaned/repaired while playing the vintage, 1978 Atari 2600 game, "Breakout."
Talking about myofascial release while cleaning and repairing a pair of vintage, 1980's Atari 2600 paddle controllers.
So I was out playing disc golf with family, and I didn't quite make it around the giant tower to the disc golf basket behind it ! You can hear the goooonnnggg as my disc hit the tower. Fortunately, I was still able to finish with a par!
Just like my disc golf throw, sometimes in life accidents can happen. Along with playing disc golf, I am also a myofascial release practitioner that specializes in the John Barnes' method of myofascial release. If you have had an accident or injury or are just looking to take an active and preventative approach to health care, then book a session at Soulful Waters Myofascial Release ( in Mooresville, NC. Feel free to call me any time if you have any questions about myofascial release.
Talking about myofascial release while playing the vintage 1982 Atari 2600 video game, "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial."
12/7/2022 - Sketch Comedy Video
Just as Mario can sometimes have an accident jumping over the barrels that Donkey Kong rolls down, so can we have accidents and injuries in life. If you are in acute or chronic pain, such as back or neck pain, book a session today at!
I wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for all of you and so looking forward to seeing you at your next myofascial release session. Regular myofascial release treatment is so important for me, particularly when shoveling mulch the past two days.
Swing into the holidays with a myofascial release session! Book today!
It is so important to get regular myofascial release treatment. Book your session today at I look forward to seeing you soon!
Go the distance with myofascial release! Book your session at today!
Wishing everyone a happy Halloween! I am offering a Halloween discount of 25% off for all sessions tomorrow on October 31st. You are welcome to wear Halloween costumes to the session. I will be in costume as the 1967-1968 cartoon character, Speed, from the Speed Racer cartoon series. My picture was taken at the 2022 Otakon Anime Convention that I attended with my daughter this past summer in Washington D.C. Hope to see you all soon for your next myofascial release session!
So what are you waiting for? Book your next myofascial release session today!
Discussion of a recent life experience as an example to talk about what happens when our fascia becomes restricted inside of our body.
9/2/2022 - Sketch Comedy Video
Guest speaker to talk about their experience with myofascial release...
Troubleshooting and repairing our family's network printer and talking about myofascial release.
I wanted to express a huge thank you to Hoco Bees for the jar of honey! Our family has really enjoyed it and have been using it with everything. As I am addicted to ice cream, I poured a large amount over strawberry ice cream, and it definitely enhanced the flavor by leaps and bounds! Thanks again! @hoco_bees
5/23/2022 - Sketch Comedy Video
Has your pain got you running in circles? Myofascial release can help. Book your next myofascial release session at today!
Having an awesome week at the Myrtle Beach Myofascial Release Seminars! The energy here has been incredible, and I am so grateful for such a transforming experience with such an amazing group! So many exciting things happening in our family’s lives! We have finished construction of our new garage/office and moved our two horses, Ike and Gus Gus, to our new home pasture. I am so grateful for our builder, Mike Haynes, who did such outstanding construction work. Mike will begin further barn renovations in early July. I am also so grateful for my father-in-law, Ken Clodfelter, for making such a beautiful barn quilt for the front of the new building. Lastly, I am so grateful for John Barnes and his gift of MFR, my family, and my MFR family for giving me the inspiration to dream, the courage to take the financial risk to build in such challenging times, and hope for the future.
Construction of the detached garage/office building has continued at a fast pace! The roof was completed yesterday, and the roof shingles will be installed at the end of this week. My new office will include a client waiting area, myofascial release treatment room, bathroom, and storage room. I am so grateful to my builder and friend, Mike Haynes, his brother Collin, and all of the crew for doing such outstanding construction work. I am also so grateful to John Barnes, who has inspired and transformed my life through his Myofascial Release Approach.